Supply chain: Top | Components | Sensors, Transducers & Detectors | Transducers + Worldwide.
Found: 50 results. | To see full result list, please take out a paid subscription and then log in. |
S. Himmelstein and Co. (U.S.A.) |
Highly accurate torque sensors and transducers for the Aerospace & Defense industry since 1960.
American Aerospace Controls, Inc. (AAC) (U.S.A.) |
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
AMETEK Aerospace & Defense (U.S.A.) |
Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Applied Measurement Australia Pty. Ltd. (Australia) |
Auxitrol Weston UK (U.K.) |
Barnbrook Systems Ltd. (U.K.) |
Betatronix (U.S.A.) |
Brunswick Instrument, LLC. (U.S.A.) |
CIRCOR Aerospace - Industria (France) |
CIRCOR Aerospace Products Group (U.S.A.) |
CIRCOR Bodet (France) |
Dassault 6X
Collins Aerospace, Air Management (Nord-Micro) (Germany) |
Crane Aerospace & Electronics, Power Solutions (U.S.A.) |
Curtiss-Wright Sensors & Controls HQ (U.S.A.) |
Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion,
Sikorsky S-70A Black Hawk
Daytronic Corp. (U.S.A.) |
DJB Instruments (UK) Ltd. (U.K.) |
Evident Corporation (U.S.A.) |
Futek Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. (U.S.A.) |
GP:50 NY Ltd (U.S.A.) |
HBK - Hottinger BrĂ¼el & Kjaer (U.S.A.) |
HBK - Hottinger Bruel & Kjaer UK (U.K.) |
Hypernetics Ltd. (Canada) |
De Havilland Dash 8 Series,
KAI T-50 Golden Eagle,
Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk
Interface Force Measurements Ltd (U.K.) |
Kearfott Corporation (U.S.A.) |
Kistler Instrument Corp. (U.S.A.) |
Kistler Instruments Limited (U.K.) |
Kulite Semiconductor Products, Inc. (U.S.A.) |
Linked to seven programs
Mason Controls (U.S.A.) |
Measurement Specialties (MEAS) (U.S.A.) |
Medtherm Corporation (U.S.A.) |
Mensor Corporation (U.S.A.) |
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