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Aviat Pitts S-2C

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

23/10/2024Oregon Aero (linked to Cabin Interiors: Optional VK SmartCushion system)
23/10/2024Sensenich Propeller Manufacturing Co. (linked to Rotors & Propellers: 76EM8-0-56 propeller (Pitts S-1S))
23/10/2024PS Engineering, Inc. (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional PM3000 or PM1000 II intercom)
23/10/2024Garmin International (linked to Navigation Aids (Airborne): Optional GTN 635 COM/GPS)
23/10/2024Garmin International (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional GTX 345 transponder)
23/10/2024Lycoming Engines (link to Engines)
23/10/2024Hartzell Propeller (link to Rotors & Propellers: HC-C3YR-1A/C7690C or E-Claw/Claw three-blade constant speed acrobatic composites propeller)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.