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Sensenich Propeller Manufacturing Co.

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Address14 Citation Lane, Lititz, PA 17543, U.S.A.
Telephone+1 717 569 0435

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Client aircraft programs

A2 Ellipse Spirit Analysis Composite Propellers: Two-blade, ground-adjustable propeller
Aero AT-3 Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional three-blade propeller (AT-4)
American Champion 7ECA Citabria Aurora Analysis Metal Propellers: 72CKS8-0 fixed-pitch propeller
American Champion 7GCAA Citabria Adventure Analysis Metal Propellers: 74DM6S8-1-56 two-blade fixed pitch propeller
American Champion 7GCBC Citabria Explorer Analysis Metal Propellers: 74DM6S8-1-56 two-blade fixed pitch propeller (Explorer); 76EM8S8-0-58 fixed pitch propeller (High Country Explorer)
American Legend Cub Analysis Metal Propellers: 69CK-0-XX aluminium propeller; Wooden Propellers: Classic J3 version
Arion Lightning Analysis Composite Propellers: WC56FJ-56, W64ZK-51, or W58FK-64 two-blade scimitar, ground-adjustable propeller, or W60ZK-57G, or WC62FK-58 propellers (Lightning); optional two-/three-blade propeller (Lightning XS); W60ZK-57G or W60ZK-53 propellers (LS-1)
Aviat Pitts S-2C Analysis Composite Propellers: 76EM8-0-56 propeller (Pitts S-1S)
Azalea Saberwing Analysis Metal Propellers: Two-blade fixed pitch propeller
Bearhawk Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional ground-adjustable propeller (Bearhawk LSA)
CSA PS-28 Analysis Composite Propellers: 2A05R5R 70EN two-blade carbon ground adjustable propeller; optional three-blade propeller; optional 3B0R5R68C propeller (SportCruiser)
CubCrafters CC18 Top Cub Analysis Metal Propellers: 76EM8-0-56 two-blade fixed pitch metal propeller; Wooden Propellers: Optional W80CM8 propeller
Diamond DA20 C1 Analysis Composite Propellers: W69EK7-63 two-blade wood & composite propeller (DA20i Katana)
Diamond DA40 Diamond Star Analysis Metal Propellers: 2-blade fixed pitch propeller (DA40-FP model)
Direct Fly Alto Analysis Composite Propellers: Carbon fibre ground adjustable propeller
Dream Tundra Analysis Metal Propellers: 76EM8-0-57 propeller (prototype)
Flight Design CT Analysis Composite Propellers: Three blade propeller
Flyer Industria Aeronautica F600 NG Analysis Composite Propellers:
Guanyi GA20 Analysis Composite Propellers: Two-blade propeller
Ibis Magic GS 700 Analysis Metal Propellers: Two-blade propeller (Magic GS 750)
Icon A5 Analysis Composite Propellers: Three-blade ground-adjustable scimitar propeller
Ion 100 series Analysis Composite Propellers: Three-blade scimitar propeller
IPE IPE 06 Analysis Metal Propellers: 74DM6-0-52 propeller
Jabiru J230 Analysis Composite Propellers: W64ZK-49 two blade fixed pitch ground-adjustable carbon fibre propeller
Jiucheng JC-100N Analysis Metal Propellers: 72CK two-blade propeller
Kitfox Super Sport Analysis Composite Propellers: Optional propeller
Murphy Rebel Analysis Metal Propellers:
Quasar Lite Analysis Wooden Propellers: Laminated wood or ground-adjustable carbon fibre (Lite and Fast)
Remos GX Analysis Composite Propellers: 2A0-RSR70-EN two blade propeller
Robin CAP 10C NG Analysis Metal Propellers: Optional 76EM855-0-64 two-blade propeller
Robin Dauphin Analysis Metal Propellers: 72CKS6-0-56 two-blade fixed pitch aluminuim propeller (DR401/120Lite/120A/155 CDI); 74DM6S5-2-64 two-blade propeller (DR400/140/140B/160A, DR401/160A); 74DM6S5-2-66 two-blade propeller (DR400/160A)
Robin President Analysis Metal Propellers: 72CKS6-0-56 two-blade propeller (DR401/200i)
Robin Regent Analysis Metal Propellers: 76EM8S5-0-64 or 76EM8S5-0-58 two-blade fixed pitch aluminium propeller (DR400/180); 74DM6S5-2-64 two-blade propeller (DR401/180LR)
Robin Remo Analysis Metal Propellers: 76EM8S5-0-58 or 76EM8S5-0-64 two-blade fixed pitch metal propeller (DR400/180R); 76EM8S5-0-58 two-blae propeller (DR401/180R)
SEAMAX M-22 Analysis Metal Propellers: Three-blade propeller with stainless steel leading edge
Silence Twister Analysis Metal Propellers: Optional two-blade propeller (Twister)
Sinoaustral BushCaddy Analysis Metal Propellers: Two-blade fixed pitch metal propeller (R80); 76EM8 propeller (L164)
Tecnam P2002 Analysis Composite Propellers: Three/two-blade fixed-pitch propeller (Astore)
Van's RV-10 Analysis Composite Propellers: Ground adjustable propellers
Van's RV-12 Analysis Composite Propellers: Ground-adjustable composite propeller
Vulcanair V1.0 Analysis Composite Propellers: M76AM or 76AM6 two blade propeller (V1.100L); Metal Propellers: 74M6S5-2 two-blade propeller (V1.150L)
Zenith CH 650 Analysis Composite Propellers: Two-blade fixed-pitch propeller (CH 650LS/B)
Zenith CH 750 Analysis Wooden Propellers: Two-blade wooden propeller (CH 750 Super Duty)

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