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Eclipse 550

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

05/12/2024Novakinetics Aerosystems, Inc. (linked to Composites: Nacelle composite components)
12/11/2024Pratt & Whitney Canada (linked to Engines)
12/11/2024PPG Transparencies (linked to Cabin Interiors: Alteos interactive window systems (Eclipse 700))
12/11/2024ARTEX (linked to Safety & Security Systems: 406 MHz ELT)
12/11/2024Garmin International (linked to Flight and Data Management: GFC 700 autopilot (Eclipse 700))
12/11/2024Garmin International (linked to Engine Components: (Eclipse 700))
12/11/2024Garmin International (linked to Navigation Aids (Airborne): FliteCharts airport diagrams (Eclipse 700))
12/11/2024Williams International Co., LLC (link to Engines)
12/11/2024Innovative Solutions & Support Inc. (IS&S) (link to Indicators and Instruments: Avio NG integrated flight management system including Primary Flight & Multi-Function displays; electronic flight bag system (Eclipse 550, option Eclipse 700))
12/11/2024Lexavia Integrated Systems (link to Imaging and Visual Systems: Optional LFS6000 EVS)
12/11/2024Garmin International (link to Indicators and Instruments: G3000 avionics suite (Eclipse 700))
12/11/2024L3Harris (was L3 Aviation Products) (link to Warning Systems: Optional Skywatch traffic information system)
12/11/2024L3Harris (was L3 Aviation Products) (link to Warning Systems: Optional WX-500 Stormscope)
12/11/2024Garmin International (link to Communications (Airborne): GTX 33 Mode S transponder)
21/10/2024Eclipse Aerospace flight testing Daedalean’s artificial intelligence capabilities to increase safety and reduce pilot workload in business aviation operations (press release)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.