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Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

Contact Details

AddressLockheed Boulevard, Fort Worth, TX 76108, U.S.A.
Telephone+1 817 777 2000

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Aircraft currently in production/development

Airbus A330 Wide body twin engine airliner. Includes A330-200 and A330-300, and Beluga (ST and XL) oversize transporter variant. Also new engine version A330neo family, including private jet ACJ330neo, A330-800 with 3D-optimised wing and sharklets, multi-role tanker transport A330 MRTT and LMXT aerial refueling tanker for the U.S.Air Force.
AT2 Aerospace Z1 20 tonne hybrid buoyant airship (previously designated LMH-1) combining lighter than air technology with four thrust vectoring engines, previously proposed variants include LMH-2 (90 tonne), and LMH-3 (500 tonne). Originally conceived by Lockheed Martin who then founded AT2 Aerospace to continue it's development.
KAI T-50 Golden Eagle Single turbofan advanced jet trainer. Includes the variants FA-50 (light combat aircraft), TA-50 (fighter trainer) and T-50B (acrobatic demonstrator).
Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules Multi mission military transporter powered by four turboprops. Includes commercial variant LM-100J and firefighting variant, LM-100J FireHerc; variant for US Coast Guard designated HC-130J.
Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon Multi mission single turbofan fighter. Includes the variants F-16V "Viper" with advanced avionics configuration and the F-21 for the Indian Air Force.
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter: Multirole supersonic stealth fighter with three variants: F-35B - short takeoff/vertical landing, F-35C carrier and F-35A CTOL - designed to operate from conventional runways.
Lockheed Martin X-56A High altitude, long endurance technology demonstrator UAV.

Client aircraft programs

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Analysis Fuselage Sections: Forward fuselage; Wings:
Sierra Space Dream Chaser Analysis Wings: Folding wings, contracted by NASA

News and press releases


Association memberships Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc. - U.S.A.
AIA Aerospace Industries Association - U.S.A.
Parent company Lockheed Martin Corporation - U.S.A.
Subsidiaries Lockheed Martin Canada CDL Systems - Canada (Bought Dec 2012)
Lockheed Martin Unmanned Systems - U.S.A. (Bought Nov 2012)

See an overview of the group of companies.

Related companies

AT2 Aerospace - U.S.A. Airframer
Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems - U.S.A. Wings, Final Assembly, Composite Broad Goods Lay-Up, Composite Structures, Systems Integration
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works - U.S.A. Research/Consulting Services, Design Services, Technical/Eng/Scientific Studies, Airframer, Airborne Communication Systems, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS


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Stock exchange listings

XLON - London Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin Corp. - 0R3E
XNYS - New York Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin Corp. - LMT
XWBO - Vienna Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin Corp. - LMT
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin - LOM
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin - LOM
XDUS - Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin Corp. - 894648
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin - 894648
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeLockheed Martin Corp. - LOM