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Sectors Categories
Actuation Mechanical Actuators (Actuation components)
Engine Components Engine Parts (Forged pistons)
Engines Piston Diesel Engines (Jet fuel powered engines for US military UAVs)
Landing Assemblies Aircraft Landing Gear (Landing gear components)


AE1 Piston Diesel Engines; 8 hp, single-cylinder, 100cc, direct-injection, compression-ignition, all-aluminium alloy, port and reed-valve induction motor, piston diesel engine; designed to run on multi-fuels ranging from JP5, JP8, DF1 and DF2 specification -
AG2 Piston Diesel Engines; 20hp, 250cc, horizontally opposed, air-cooled, two-stroke, boxer twin, piston diesel engine for UAVs -

Client aircraft programs

BAE Systems Hawk 100 Analysis Mechanical Actuators: Actuation components
Piaggio P.180 Avanti Analysis Aircraft Landing Gear: Landing gear components (for Messier-Dowty)