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Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC)

Contact Details

AddressArnold Air Force Base, Wattendorf Memorial Hwy, Tullahoma, TN 37388, U.S.A.
Telephone+1 931 454 4204

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Client aircraft programs

Bell HSVTOL Analysis Testing Services: Oversaw testing at Holloman High Speed Test Track for rotor, propulsion, and flight control technologies testing
DARPA SPRINT X-Plane Analysis Testing Services: Oversaw testing at Holloman High Speed Test Track for Stop/Fold rotor system for Bell Textron
Hermeus Darkhorse Analysis Testing Services: Test campaign, included testing remote command and control taxiing (Quarterhorse)
Joby S4 Analysis Testing Services: Oversaw propeller testing at National Full-Scale Aerodynamic Complex

News and press releases

13/12/2024Press Release: Rolls-Royce holds successful F130 engine Critical Design Review for the U.S. Air Force B-52J
12/12/2024NEWS: Bell completes tunnel testing to validate stop/fold jet transition
11/01/2024NEWS: Hermeus progresses testing of Quarterhorse speed record contender
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