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Leonardo AW09 | Airframer | Leonardo Helicopters

27/02/2024Press Release:
The Leonardo AW09 final prototype takes flight!
17/03/2023Press Release:
Leonardo AW09 PS4 prototype performs first flight
21/04/2021Press Release:
The SH09 is rebranded as AW09, part of Leonardo’s helicopter portfolio. (Photo: Kopter Group)
Leonardo welcomes Kopter's SH09 into its helicopter portfolio as the AW09
23/06/2020Press Release:
P3, the 3rd prototype of the SH09 during flight tests. (Photo: Kopter)
Kopter SH09 helicopter test flights go ahead in Sicily
08/04/2020Press Release:
Kopter’s SH-09.
Leonardo acquisition of Kopter is completed

Showing the most recent five of 6 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.