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Leonardo AW09 PS4 prototype performs first flight
Friday, 17 March 2023

The latest AW09 prototype, designated PS4 and featuring the new Safran Helicopter Engines Arriel 2K engine, performed its maiden flight in Mollis Switzerland on 16 March 2023.

This flight lasted 20 minutes and successfully completed all set objectives, performing hovers at low altitude, spot turns, straight and sideways flights up to 20 knots as well as several landings and take-offs.

The crew was very pleased with the behavior of the aircraft and looks forward to the opening of the flight envelope during the upcoming tests.

Contact details from our directory:
Leonardo Helicopters Airframer
Safran Helicopter Engines Turboshaft Engines, Auxiliary Power Units, Turbine Engine Blades, Additive Manufacturing, Electric Motors
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