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Irkut MC-21-300 | Airframer | Irkutsk Aviation Plant

23/01/2022Press Release:
The MС-21-300 test aircraft took a flight on the Zhukovsky- Yakutsk route for testing in low temperature conditions. (Photo: UAC Russia)
The MC-21-300 aircraft will be tested in Yakutia in conditions of low negative outdoor temperatures
The team celebrates after the MC-21-300 aircraft makes its first flight with a wing made of Russian-made polymer composite materials.

MC-21-300 flies with Russian composite wing

Certification of the MC-21-300 aircraft is nearing completion, and it is planned to start delivering it to customers in 2022. The MS-21-310 aircraft with the new Russian PD-14 engine is undergoing flight tests.

21/12/2021Press Release:
As part of the final stage of certification, MC-21 has flown 12 flights with passengers on board. (Photo: United Aircraft Corporation)
The MC-21-300 aircraft performed twelve flights with service passengers on board
15/11/2021Press Release:
The MC-21-310 aircraft with the new Russian PD-14 engines during its demonstration flight. (Photo: United Aircraft Corporation)
MC-21 with Russian engines makes its first demonstration flight abroad
Russian PD-14 engines power the MC-21-310.

Russian-powered MC-21 arrives at Zhukovsky test centre

The MC-21-310 aircraft made its first flight in December 2020. The public premiere of the type is planned for the Moscow international aviation and space salon MAKS-2021.

Showing the most recent five of 58 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.