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The MC-21-300 aircraft performed twelve flights with service passengers on board
Tuesday, 21 December 2021

The MC-21-300 aircraft, within the framework of certification control tests, performed twelve flights on various routes with service passengers on board.

The purpose of the proof tests, which are carried out at the final stage of certification flights, is to check the aircraft under conditions that are as close as possible to real operation. Previous certification flights have separately confirmed the capabilities and performance of the aircraft and its systems. Proof tests allow you to evaluate the aircraft as a whole.

The first service passengers of the MC-21-300 aircraft were specialists who took part in its design, testing and certification. The average flight time exceeded six hours. Every day, the plane, equipped with a two-class passenger compartment, performed three flights and spent up to eighteen hours in the air. All flights were carried out as usual.

Contact details from our directory:
Irkutsk Aviation Plant Airframer
United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)
Related aircraft programs:
Irkut MC-21-300