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H2FLY HY4 | Airframer | Pipistrel d.o.o.

07/09/2023Press Release:
H2FLY’s HY4 electric demonstrator aircraft flying above Maribor, Slovenia, powered by liquid hydrogen. Courtesy of H2FLY
H2FLY and partners complete world's first piloted flight of liquid hydrogen powered electric aircraft
The Hy4 hydrogen powered hybrid-electric aircraft successfully flew from Maribor airport.

MAHEPA's hydrogen fuel cell driven Hy4 flies

With the renovated and optimised fuel cell system technology developed in MAHEPA and in strong cooperation with multiple national projects, the Hy4 is the most powerful hydrogen fuel cell driven aircraft ever made.

11/12/2020Press Release:
MAHEPA announces: Hydrogen fuel cell driven Hy4 has flown
09/05/2020Press Release:
The MAHEPA electric power train unit.
Pipistrel milestone announcement: MAHEPA Electric Drive unit completed pre-flight qualification tests
29/09/2016Press Release:
First 4-seat aircraft powered by hydrogen fuel cells takes off