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MAHEPA's hydrogen fuel cell driven Hy4 flies
Thursday, 17 December 2020
With the renovated and optimised fuel cell system technology developed in MAHEPA and in strong cooperation with multiple national projects, the Hy4 is the most powerful hydrogen fuel cell driven aircraft ever made.

The MAHEPA consortium's Hy4 hydrogen powered hybrid-electric aircraft has successfully flew from Maribor airport, in Slovenia. Technology developed as part of the project has been successfully proven in flight on board the aircraft.

By demonstrating technologies and showcasing that long-endurance and safe zero-emission flights are possible, MAHEPA says it is creating the technological foundation to enable clean, quiet, safe and sustainable flight – making Europe Green Deal's goals related to aviation one step closer to reality.

With the renovated and optimised fuel cell system technology developed in MAHEPA and in strong cooperation with multiple national projects, the Hy4 became the most powerful hydrogen fuel cell driven aircraft ever made. First qualification tests and data dissemination show that the full redundant Hy4 powertrain architecture allows an upscaling of the modular technology.

MAHEPA consortium of Pipistrel Vertical Solutions, Compact Dynamics, DLR, H2Fly, Politecnico di Milano, TU Delft, University of Maribor and University of Ulm is again demonstrating a pioneering direction towards cleaner air transport in Europe, which will be supported by novel technologies developed in the project.

Contact details from our directory:
Pipistrel d.o.o. Airframer
DLR - German Aerospace Center Airframer, Composite Design Consultants, Flight Simulators, Fuel Cells, Instrument Landing Systems, Prototyping, Research/Consulting Services, Testing Services, Vibration Testing
Compact Dynamics GmbH Electric Drives, Electric Motors
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