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Boeing 747 | Engines | GE Aerospace Engines

15/11/2024Press Release:
GE Aerospace's 747 Flying Test Bed.
GE Aerospace and NASA partnering on flight tests to accelerate industry’s understanding of contrails
21/05/2013Press Release:
Boeing begins certification testing on 747-8 performance improvements
02/05/2013Press Release:
MTU Aero Engines delivers 200th GEnx turbine center frame – in record time
24/08/2011Press Release:
GEnx: MTU Aero Engines hands over first turbine center frame
08/03/2011Press Release:
Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental completes engine runs successfully

Showing the most recent five of 21 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.