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Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental completes engine runs successfully
Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Boeing (NYSE: BA) successfully completed the first engine runs for the 747-8 Intercontinental today. The milestone marks a key step in preparing Boeing's largest-ever passenger jet for flight test.

"The integrated airplane systems and engines performed as expected," said Elizabeth Lund, vice president and general manager of the 747 program. "This result allows us to continue moving forward to first flight."

Engine runs began at 11:57 a.m. (PST) Tuesday and lasted approximately two hours and 45 minutes. During initial engine runs, the engines are started and operated at various power settings to ensure all systems perform as expected. The engine run test began with the Auxiliary Power System providing power to start the first of four GE GEnx-2B engines. The remaining three engines were started using the cross-bleed function.

Basic systems checks continued throughout the test. The engines were powered down and inspected and will be restarted following a technical review. The team completed a vibration check and monitored the shutdown logic to ensure it functioned as expected.

The GEnx-2B engine is optimized for the 747-8. The new engine contributes to a reduction in fuel burn, emissions and noise, which gives customers the lowest operating costs and best economics of any large passenger airplane while providing enhanced environmental performance.

Contact details from our directory:
Boeing Commercial Airplanes Airframer
GE Aerospace Engines Turboprop Engines, Turboshaft Engines, Turbofan Engines, Turbojet Engines
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