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Eclipse 550 | Airframer | Eclipse Aerospace, Inc. (was ONE Aviation)


British businessman bids to save the Eclipse program

The future prospects for the Eclipse business jet are uncertain, to say the least, but a new buyer is looking to lead its manufacturer out of Chapter 11. The US courts will decide if the purchase can go ahead.

04/09/2017Press Release:
ONE Aviation completes first flight of EA700 wing
24/07/2017Press Release:
ONE Aviation continues development of "Project Canada" with Garmin G3000 Avionics Suite
21/07/2016Press Release:
ONE Aviation announces new evolutionary Eclipse model, code name "Canada"
17/04/2015Press Release:
Eclipse and Kestrel form ONE Aviation

Showing the most recent five of 17 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.