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ONE Aviation continues development of "Project Canada" with Garmin G3000 Avionics Suite
Monday, 24 July 2017

ONE Aviation confirmed today, at EAA Airventure 2017, that development of the Eclipse 700, also known as "Project Canada" continues with Garmin's G3000 Avionics Suite.

The G3000 system is the first touch-screen glass flight deck ever designed for light turbine aircraft. This digital avionics suite revolutionizes the interface between pilots and electronics by streamlining menu structures and eliminating visual clutter giving pilots more focused control with less wasted motion and effort.

A new glass touchscreen controller, the GTC serves as the primary point of entry for the G3000 system. Featuring a desktop-style, icon driven interface built on a new "shallow" menu structure, the GTC enables you to access more systems and sensors with fewer keystrokes or page sequences. The G3000 user interface is totally software-based facilitating deployment of future enhancements, applications integration, and system growth without physically altering the mechanical controls.

Canada was announced last year as an upgrade to the Eclipse 500/550. Relative to the EA550, this upgraded configuration holds more fuel in a longer wing with 2-foot extensions on wach side; more cabin volume; with a 14-inch fuselage stretch; Garmin G3000 avionics; and more power with the Williams International FJ33 engines.

"We are honored that ONE Aviation has chosen Garmin's G3000 avionics suite for Canada. Customers have shared their excitement of ONE Aviation and Garmin working together on this aircraft, and we are eager for the revolutionary aircraft to come to market", said Carl Wolf, Vice President Aviation Marketing and Sales of Garmin International.

"Having worked with Garmin on previous projects, I am excited to partner with the them again to offer the G3000 Avionics Suite to our EA700 customers", said Steve Serfling, COO/EVP, Product Development for ONE Aviation.

Contact details from our directory:
Eclipse Aerospace, Inc. (was ONE Aviation) Airframer
Garmin International GPS, Transceivers, Radar Transponders, Position Indicators, Radio Communications Equipment, Instrument Landing Systems, Moving Maps, Flight Directors, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Flight Management Systems, Avionics Management Systems, Autopilots, Weather Mapping Radar, VOR (Omnirange) Receivers, Onboard Intercom Systems, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Radar/Radio Altimeters, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Magnetometers, Onboard Computers, Air Data Computers, Satellite Receivers, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Onboard Airport Navigation Systems, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Head-Up Displays, Airborne Communication Systems, Engine Indicator Instruments, Storm-Warning Radar, Autothrottle Systems, ADS-B systems
Related aircraft programs:
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