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PAL-V Liberty

27/11/2024Press Release:
PAL-V and the Netherlands Aerospace Centre complete rotor development
07/09/2022Press Release:
Advanced Air Mobility innovator PAL-V International opens UK home at London Oxford Airport with its Liberty 'car that flies.'
19/10/2021Press Release:
Airtificial has agreed to supply PAL_V with composite fuel tanks, body parts, propeller and rotor blades for the PAL-V Liberty. (Photo: Airtificial)
Airtificial and flying car manufacturer PAL-V sign new strategic agreement
24/03/2021Press Release:
The Evolution 1000 primary flight display included in the PAL-V Liberty. (Photo: Aspen Avionics)
Aspen Avionics' Evolution 1000 primary flight display included in the PAL-V Liberty
The PAL-V flying car has become the first to finalise its certification basis with EASA.

EASA agrees roadmap for flying car certification

More than 10 years of analysis, test data, flight tests, and drive tests, have led to this important milestone for PAL-V Europe. In parallel, the company has started compliance demonstration to obtain the type certificate.

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