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Aspen Avionics' Evolution 1000 primary flight display included in the PAL-V Liberty
Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Aspen Avionics announces the Evolution 1000 primary flight display is the display of choice for the manufacturers of the PAL-V, the first flying car.

After being the first flying car to get road permission for Europe, PAL-V is now also the first to finalise the full certification basis with EASA. Based on PAL-V's 10 years of test results, EASA specialist teams finalised the requirements for the PAL-V Liberty including the installation of the Aspen Evolution 1000 primary flight display.

"We designed the Evolution product display over 15 years ago to be the most flexible and affordable electronic flight instrument system in the general aviation marketplace. With over 20,000 displays installed worldwide, we never imagined that an Aspen primary flight display would be among those installations in the first commercial flying car," said Cory Relling, international regional sales manager, Aspen Avionics.

"Aspen Avionics has been a trusted partner in the development of the PAL-V Liberty flying car. Over the 10-year journey of design and flight testing, we were determined to install systems that have a proven track record; with equipment that is easy to operate and companies that share our determination of safety as a key factor in PAL-V's development. Aspen Avionics checked all the boxes," said Jeroen van de Braak, Supply Chain Manager at PAL-V.

The EASA type certificate for the PAL-V is valid for Europe and is also accepted in 80% of the world market, including the US and China.

Contact details from our directory:
Aspen Avionics Inc. Instrument Panels, GPS, Sensors/Transducers, Moving Maps, Vertical Speed Indicators, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Flight Management Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, ADS-B systems
PAL-V Europe NV Airframer
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PAL-V Liberty
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Indicators and Instruments