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Deutsche Aircraft D328eco

21/11/2024Press Release:
Deutsche Aircraft selects Honeywell to provide high frequency radio system for the D328eco
Yves Weerts (CEO and President of Weerts Group) and Nico Neumann (COO of Deutsche Aircraft).

Deutsche Aircraft partners with Weerts for D328eco's assembly line

The line will incorporate cutting-edge technologies and processes, ensuring a 100% digital and paperless production environment. Automated and driverless transport systems will streamline operations.

Nico Neumann (COO at Deutsche Aircraft) and Joseph Mundiger (Crane Aerospace & Electronics VP/GM, Sensing & Power Systems).

Crane supplies proximity sensing system for D328eco

More than 30 years ago, Crane was selected to provide a similar Proximity Sensing System for the D328 turboprop. Now the latest model will feature on the D328eco, offering Deutsche Aircraft a low-risk solution.

02/08/2024Press Release:
L to R: Launie Fleming (CEO of Senior Aerospace) and Dave Jackson (CEO of Deutsche Aircraft).
Deutsche Aircraft and Senior plc sign contract for the D328eco regional turboprop at the Farnborough International Airshow
A specifically developed precision tool was used to cut the fuselage.

Deutsche starts construction of first D328eco test aircraft

Deutsche has also granted Triumph Group's Thermal Systems Division, located in Forest, Ohio, a long-term-program contract to design, manufacture and support the precooler system for the D328eco.

Showing the most recent five of 46 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.