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BERINGER introduces nosewheel solution for Van's RV-10
Saturday, 25 June 2011

BERINGER Wheels & Brakes®, the high-performance leaders in light aircraft wheels and brakes, announces a new nosewheel and axle solution for the popular Van's RV-10.

The new nosewheel kit includes the lightweight BERINGER wheel and a mounted tubeless tire, plus the unique 1-piece thru-axle and associated parts and hardware necessary for the installation.

Builders have long battled the setup of the nose wheel, which, in the original configuration, often results in either too-tight or too-loose fitment, resulting in poor ground handling or excess wear.

Not only is the sensitive problem of front-axle tension eliminated with the BERINGER thru-axle, the use of low-resistance ball bearings (instead of the usual tapered rollers) noticeably reduces rolling resistance. While this may not shorten your takeoff roll, you will appreciate it when you're parking your RV after a long flight.

Retail is $649, and includes high-strength aluminum axle and spacer, plus the assembled wheel assembly with mounted and pressure-tested Michelin tire. 9.1 pounds, total.

Beringer wheels feature sealed lifetime ball bearings, high-strength aluminum axles, and a tubeless tire design, saving weight and lowering temperature buildup while reducing the chance of a blowout.

Beringer will exhibit at Oshkosh, Booth # 437, and the company plans to offer an "exchange rate discount" for customers who pay with dollars. (The amount will depend on the prevailing exchange rate.)

Spare and replacement parts are readily available in the USA through Aircraft Spruce.

Contact details from our directory:
Beringer Aero (was Beringer SA) Brake System Components, Aircraft Wheels
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Van's RV-10
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