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Piper unveils Premier Elegance interiors at NBAA
Monday, 29 October 2012

Piper will introduce the improved Premier Elegance interior collection for its top-of-the-line aircraft at the National Business Aviation Association's 65th Annual Meeting and Convention, held here Oct. 30 through Nov. 1.

The Premier Elegance package features decorative soft goods with four new interior décor color options including the dramatic new Glacier, which features porcelain leather seating, IZIT leather ermine pearl side panels and a beautiful black textured loop pile Cotswald Exeter carpet. Additionally, the Premier Elegance interior cockpit décor now incorporates a matte black finish on the cockpit avionics panel that is much easier on the pilot's eyes.

The Premier Elegance package is standard on the single-engine Piper Meridian turboprop and will be offered as an option for the single-engine piston powered Matrix and Mirage aircraft beginning in January 2013. Piper will display the Dune color palette in a mockup of the Meridian on exhibit just outside the main entrance to the Orlando Convention Center, site of the NBAA meeting.

"We are excited about these improvements to our signature M-Class lineup of efficient and economical single-engine aircraft," said Piper Head of Global Sales and Business Development Drew McEwen. "Following the significant cabin improvements announced last year at NBAA the M-Class series now boasts tremendous comfort and luxury."

The M-Class improvements announced last year included enhancements for both pilot and passenger comfort, including ease of cockpit access, brighter external LED lighting, better cabin and cockpit sound, improved electrical service and greater air distribution.

Contact details from our directory:
Piper Aircraft, Inc. Airframer
Willow Tex Upholstery, Leather
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Cabin Interiors