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Dassault Falcon to offer new GSM, internet options for Falcon 7X
Monday, 10 December 2012

Dassault Falcon is introducing an in-flight phone and connectivity option for its flagship Falcon 7X. The option, to be offered in cooperation with OnAir, will be available as a line-replaceable unit on new Falcon 7X aircraft with deliveries beginning in 2014.

Mobile OnAir operates like any standard international roaming service, and enables business jet passengers to send and receive emails, text messages and calls in flight using their own phones or smartphones. All charges are included in the user's standard mobile phone bill, making the payment process simple and transparent. Internet OnAir creates a Wi-Fi network in the aircraft, providing Internet access through any Wi-Fi-enabled device, including smartphones, tablets and laptops. Falcon owners or operators may opt for either or both options.

"For today's global-minded flyers, conveniently staying in constant contact while flying is paramount," said Eric Monsel, Vice President of Programs for Dassault Falcon. "The new OnAir package will allow Falcon 7X passengers to remain fully connected at all times in the most user-friendly fashion. In-flight connectivity is key to the passenger experience and truly differentiates one aircraft from another. At Dassault Falcon, we're committed to providing the best solutions available to our customers."

With over 80 regulatory approvals, more than 350 roaming agreements and Inmarsat's worldwide I4 satellite network, OnAir service is now available over 110 countries across Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, the Middle East and South America. It is expected to be available in the U.S. in the near future.

The airborne system, designed and produced by satellite communications specialist TriaGnoSys GmbH, consists of two lightweight units. It is fully compatible with any SwiftBroadband-capable satcom system.

Contact details from our directory:
Dassault Aviation Airframer
SITAOnAir Airborne Communication Systems
TriaGnoSys GmbH Inflight Entertainment, Airborne Communication Systems
Related aircraft programs:
Dassault 7X
Related directory sectors:
Communications (Airborne)