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Liebherr-Aerospace selected to manufacture tail rotor gearbox for Airbus Helicopters' X4
Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Airbus Helicopters have awarded Liebherr a make-to-print contract to supply the tail rotor gearbox for its latest generation of X4 helicopters.

Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH (Germany) will manufacture the tail rotor gearbox in its plant in Friedrichshafen, which is specialized in high-precision production of gears for the aerospace industry.

In the past, Airbus Helicopters and Liebherr-Aerospace have successfully cooperated when Liebherr, for instance, manufactured the tail rotor gearbox for the EC145 T2 helicopter program. Now, the new contract is a further step in the long-standing partnership between the two companies. In addition to the gearboxes for the X4 and EC145 T2 program, Liebherr supplies other systems or components for almost all members of Airbus Helicopters' helicopter family.

Contact details from our directory:
Airbus Helicopters Airframer
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH Plating Services, Electromechanical Actuators, Hydraulic Systems & Equipment, Pressure Control Valves, Mechanical Actuators, Aircraft Landing Gear, Helicopter Landing Gear, Auxiliary Power Units, Hydraulic Actuators, Servoactuators, Hydraulic Filters, Wing Spoilers, Wing Flaps, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Fly-by-Wire Systems, Gearboxes, Coatings Services, Control Dampers, Gears & Assemblies, Hydraulic Power Supplies, Air Refuelling Systems, Brake System Components, Aircraft Wheels, Tyres, Steering Systems, Hydraulic Pumps, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Hydraulic System Valves, Onboard Computers, Relief Valves, Valves
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