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Just Aircraft to offer Titan OX-340 engine option
Monday, 15 February 2016

Just Aircraft has begun flight tests with the Titan OX-340 engine on their stretched SuperSTOL XL. Due to a redesigned crankshaft, the Titan develops 180 hp with elevated torque levels. Essentially, the engine started out as a 160 hp Lycoming, but ECI, which owned Titan, reconfigured the engine to have a larger displacement resulting in more power, according to James Ball, who represents Titan.

The assets of ECI and Titan Engines were acquired by Continental Motors, Inc. last summer.

Just Aircraft considers the Titan a good option for the SuperSTOL. “It's premature to discuss performance numbers,” said XL designer Troy Woodland, “but there clearly is an improvement in the takeoff roll and rate of climb. We brought our newest SuperSTOL to Sebring on a trailer to introduce the Titan and the response was very positive and enthusiastic. Since then, we've started flying it and we're pleased with the results.”

The SuperSTOL XL, which is sold as a complete kit for homebuilders, offers unparalleled performance in short takeoffs, landings and slow flight. Configured as a high wing, with two-seats and tundra tire capability, the XL can be set down in virtually any clearing. It was designed for back country flying and weekend adventures.

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Just AirCraft, LLC Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Just Highlander/SuperSTOL