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Piper M350 certified by EASA
Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Piper Aircraft, Inc. announced theEuropean Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has awarded the validated type certificate for the Piper M350, paving the way for the aircraft to enter service in Europe.

"The Piper M350 is the only current production pressurized piston-engine aircraft now on the market, making type certification by EASA an important achievement," said Simon Caldecott, President and CEO of Piper Aircraft. "The single-engine aircraft is a key part of our focus on product improvement and offers the advanced safety features that set our aircraft apart and gives our customers peace of mind."

Equipped with the Garmin 1000 avionics suite, the M350 features electronic stability protection, underspeed protection, coupled go around and automatic level mode. The M350 is also equipped with emergency decent mode which is a significant safety feature that automatically descends the aircraft to lower levels in the rare case the pilot is incapacitated at altitudes where oxygen is required. The Piper M350 seats six with club seating and is powered by a Lycoming TIO-540-AE2A 350 horsepower engine allowing 213 KTAS/395 km/h max cruise speed at up to 25,000 feet.

The cockpit features dual 10.4-inch PFDs and a high-resolution, 12.4 inch MFD along with a GFC700 autopilot.

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Piper Aircraft, Inc. Airframer
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Piper M350