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EUROJET delivers all 363 Tranche 1 Engines to schedule
Friday, 22 December 2006

Today EUROJET Turbo GmbH has successfully completed to schedule the delivery of all 363 Tranche 1 EJ200 engines to the Customer. The first Tranche 2 engines are already being assembled and will be delivered in 2007. The EJ200 engine powering the Eurofigther Typhoon already features advanced technology offering unprecedented performance, multi-mission capability and reliability in-service. Tranche 2 engines will include a further step in systems technology, integrating all elements necessary for Digital Electronic engine Control and Health Monitoring into a single unit (known as DECMU). This engine enhancement for Tranche 2 provides significant benefits in terms of cost, mass and reliability. The DECMU system has been developed by the European Military Engine Consortium EUROJET Turbo GmbH, led by the German company MTU Aero Engines in partnership with AVIO, ITP, Rolls-Royce and European hardware suppliers. The EUROJET Technical Director, Mark S. Thomas, stated that "DECMU is an exciting development in engine control and health monitoring technology, offering considerable benefits over other systems and ensuring that the EJ200 remains at the leading edge of military aircraft propulsion''. With this advanced and innovative Control and Monitoring System the EJ200 engine sets new standards in military engine technology, supporting both current and future capabilities of the Eurofighter Typhoon. The EJ200 production programme with the four participating Nations (Germany, UK, Italy and Spain) is contracted to produce 1400 engines for Eurofighter Typhoon. It is the largest military engine production programme under contract in the world today.

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Eurojet Turbo GmbH Turbofan Engines
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Eurofighter Typhoon
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