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Aerolia wins the Airbus A350 XWB tubes and pipes contract
Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Since its creation in January 2009, Aerolia has shown its determination to conquer sales markets throughout the world and with all manufacturers. With a wide range of products and services, the Aerolia teams can respond to calls for tender as a « build to print » production partner or with global « design & build » solutions.

It is in the framework of this industrial and business strategy that Aerolia has just won a contract for hydraulic and cabin systems tubes and pipes to equip the whole Airbus A350 XWB fuselage.

In competition with several other major aeronautical equipment manufacturers, the know-how and competitiveness of its teams have made the difference and are the reason why Aerolia is present on this highly competitive and coveted market.

«Representing an annual work load of over 80,000 hours, this contract fulfils one of the many ambitions announced by Aerolia at its creation. We are very proud, as it is a victory for all the teams of our three plants. With our detail parts and nose fuselage subassembly specialities, Aerolia can now offer an extensive selection of products and services» declared Christian Cornille, CEO of Aerolia.

Contact details from our directory:
Airbus S.A.S. Airframer
Airbus Atlantic Colomiers (Toulouse) (was STELIA Aerospace Toulouse) Pilot Seats, Aircraft Interiors, Tube Assemblies, Metallic Conduits, Thermoplastics, Fuselage Sections, Nose Cones, Hydraulic Systems & Equipment, Silicone Sealants, Manufacturing Consultants, Anodizing Services, Fuel Tanks & Systems, Aircraft Doors
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