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Lancair introduces 2-seat Barracuda for 2019
Thursday, 26 July 2018

The latest innovation from Lancair is a new 2-seat "little brother" to the groundbreaking Mako — the Barracuda. Establishing a new standard for value, Barracuda offers high performance, operational economy and Lancair's trademark aerodynamic style in a cost-effective package for two. Featuring the fastest build time we've ever offered the Barracuda prototype may be seen on display in Lancair's AirVenture booth in the North Aircraft Display, #647 - 649.

"The Barracuda is a '2 / 2 / 2' proposition – 2 seats and 200 knot cruise for only $200K! We've taken the best features of the Mako and created an entry-level Lancair for the pilot who wants maximum performance with a minimum investment of build time and budget. We're expecting to take a big bite of the 2-seater performance market."

- Lancair President Conrad Huffstutler

About the Barracuda:

Providing exceptional value in a 2-place composite aircraft, Barracuda's sleek design is similar to the classic Lancair Legacy. It will incorporate numerous airframe improvements, notably a new 1-piece wing with greater span. The new wing makes aircraft handling more docile and significantly reduces build time. The innovative 'auto-retracting' nose gear from the Mako adds 10-12 knots to the aircraft's cruise speed by 'cleaning up' the turbulent slipstream behind the propeller. The nose gear is operated by a fully automatic retraction/extension system that requires no action by the pilot. Numerous options are available to customize the aircraft to the owner's budget and mission needs.

Inside the cabin, the Barracuda offers a capable and affordable avionics package, typically based on the popular Garmin G3X Touch and GTN-750 components. Barracuda will feature a wide range of options, such as a Carbon build, EFII, Starflight mods and other engines. Other options include freon air conditioning, full de-ice protection and more.

With the standard Lycoming O-390-X 4-cylinder engine putting our 210 hp, Barracuda offers highly competitive performance and excellent handling throughout the flight envelope. Cruise speed of 200 knots and fuel consumption of 11 to 13 gph are expected, along with excellent climb rate, range and useful load.

Contact details from our directory:
Lancair International LLC Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Lancair Mako/Barracuda