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ATR 42-600S STOL takes flight in its partial configuration
Wednesday, 11 May 2022

ATR, the world number one regional aircraft manufacturer, today announces the successful first flight of the partially configured STOL variant (for 'Short Take-Off and Landing') of its ATR 42-600 aircraft. The flight took off at 10:00 from Francazal airport and lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes.

The crew onboard performed a number of tests to measure the upgraded aircraft systems' performance.

Following the successful completion of this first flight, new functionalities will be tested one at a time, starting with the MFC-NG (Multifunctional Computer New Generation), followed by the Autobrake, Ground Spoiler, and increased take off rating systems.

The aircraft will enter its final configuration at the end of the year with the addition of a new larger rudder and move on to the certification phase in 2023.

To-date, ATR has recorded 20 commitments from airlines and lessors for this ATR 42-600S.

There are currently close to 500 airports around the world with a runway length between 800 and 1,000 meters (2,625 to 3,281 feet) that could welcome the ATR 42-600S. This new STOL variant will help passengers benefit from an increased regional connectivity.

Contact details from our directory:
ATR Avions de Transport Regional Airframer
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