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Zim Aircraft Seating launches the latest members of the Zim product family
Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Zim Aircraft Seating, known for its world-leading development, design and manufacture of aircraft seats, is presenting the new ZIMLITE series S / M / L.

The aim in developing the new seat was not only to increase sustainability, but above all to increase comfort. Because only those who sit comfortably arrive at their destination relaxed and rested. The Comfort Package, specially developed for this next generation of seats, ensures a seating position that optimally adapts to individual needs. The newly defined Smart Surface Design Concept gives the passenger a greater sense of space. Various configurable seat covers and cushions in combination with scaled seat geometry ensure a comfortable, ergonomically advantageous seating position and thus effective relief of the body. Coupled with the greatest possible legroom, this results in maximum comfort, which passengers appreciate especially on longer flights.

The new ZIMLITE product range is designed to cover the entire spectrum of configurations in all aircraft types and is thus suitable for short, medium and long-haul flights. The new seats consist of only a few, high-quality, easy-to-assemble parts, which increases their service life and reduces maintenance costs. The structural design also allows for different configurations, offering flexible deployment options.

"With the new seat we have once again lived up to our claim and developed a product that fits into today's world and meets the high demands of airlines as well as passengers," says Sven Achilles, CEO of Zim Aircraft Seating. "The new flight seat is even lighter than its predecessor thanks to its resource-saving design and saves the airlines even more fuel. At the same time, it meets all safety requirements and offers passengers a significant plus in comfort. We are very excited to see how the seat will be received by the airlines at the Aircraft Interior Expo."

Contact details from our directory:
Zim Aircraft Seating GmbH Passenger Seating
Related directory sectors:
Cabin Interiors