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Phenix Solutions, Inc. completes engine and gearbox dynamometer (dyno) testing in Virgina
Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Phenix Solutions is excited to announce the completion of the Virginia based Engine and Gearbox Dyno testing for our Ultra 2XL aircraft. Phenix conducted this testing at the Eagle Technologies facility where the gearbox was designed and manufactured.

The Phenix/Eagle Team used the custom designed dual eddy-current dynamometer system housing our SN:0001 airframe and Rolls-Royce RR300 engine to load the gearbox for the tests. A series of tests were completed to prove gearbox integrity throughout the hover and flight envelope of the Ultra 2XL. All tests were completed successfully and provided positive margins providing the confidence to move into the Iron-Bird testing using the production rotor system and blades.

Iron-Bird testing is being conducted at the Phenix facilities in McMinnville OR and will move to the Pendleton OR UAS Flight Range for hover and flight testing.

Contact details from our directory:
Phenix Solutions, Inc. Airframer
Rolls-Royce North America Inc. Turbofan Engines, Turbojet Engines, Turboshaft Engines
Related aircraft programs:
Phenix Ultra 2XL