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Toray's extra capacity supports U.S. Army's FLRAA
Thursday, 15 August 2024
The upgrade doubles the production capacity of the TORAYCA T1100 carbon fibre, a component in the U.S. Army's Future Long Range Assault Aircraft.

Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. has commissioned its upgraded carbon fibre production line in Decatur, Alabama. The upgrade doubles the production capacity of the TORAYCA T1100 carbon fibre, a component in the U.S. Army's Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA).

Vince D'Arienzo, technical fellow of technology and innovation at Bell, attended Toray's carbon fibre line dedication. "We're excited about Toray's additional fibre production capability as the T1100 carbon fibre will directly support the FLRAA weapon system," says D'Arienzo. "Working collaboratively with Toray on the accessibility of T1100/3960 prepregs, materials utilised for FLRAA's primary airframe structure, instills confidence in our organisation's ability to meet both our manufacturing and performance objectives."

A decade in the making, following design and manufacturing modifications, rigorous flight testing over the years, and the structural material performance of the V-280 Air Vehicle Concept Demonstrator enable Bell to successfully deliver the next-generation long-range assault aircraft for the U.S. Army. In 2019, Toray began collaboration with Bell on producing allowable design data for the T1100/3960 prepreg system. The comprehensive plan allows Bell and other aerospace companies to streamline the certification process by navigating the regulatory landscape more efficiently and meet necessary standards for quality and safety.

Contact details from our directory:
Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. Carbon-reinforced Composites, Polymer Composites, Prepreg
Bell Helicopter Textron Airframer
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