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Supply chain directory

Supply chain:  Top | Materials | Composites | Prepreg  +  Worldwide.
Found:  72  results.
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Toray Advanced Composites (U.S.A.) Toray Advanced Composites provides advanced composite tooling materials including a comprehensive series of epoxy tooling prepregs.
Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. (U.S.A.) Toray Composite Materials America, Inc. is manufacturer of the renowned TORAYCA™ carbon fiber and thermoset prepreg materials.
3D Icom GmbH & Co KG (Germany)
ABC Aeronautic Composite (Tunisia)
Airtech Europe Sarl (Luxembourg)
Argosy International Inc. (U.S.A.)
Argosy International Inc., Taiwan Branch (Taiwan)
AVIC Aviation High-Technology Co. Ltd. (China)
AVIC Cabin Systems (AIM Altitude) (U.K.)
Axiom Materials, Inc. (U.S.A.)
CCP Gransden Ltd (U.K.)
CI Composite Impulse GmbH & Co. (Germany)
Collins Aerospace, Interior Systems (U.S.A.)
Composite Approach (U.S.A.)
Composite Materials Italy (CIT) - Toray Group (Italy)
Composites Evolution Ltd (U.K.)
Composites One (U.S.A.)
Cotesa GmbH (Germany)
DuPont Aerospace (DuPont Company) (U.S.A.) Linked to nine programs
Elsa Industry (Romania)
Ensinger GmbH (Germany)
FBM Composite Materials Ltd. (Israel)
Fibertech. Co., Ltd. (South Korea)
Gascogne Flexible (France)
GMS Composites (Australia)
Hankuk Carbon Co., Ltd. (South Korea)
Hankuk Composite UK (U.K.)
Haydale Limited (U.K.)
Henkel AG (Germany)
Hexcel Composites (France) Linked to nine programs
Hexcel Composites (UK) (U.K.) Sikorsky S-97 Raider
Hexcel Corporation (U.S.A.) Dassault Falcon 10X, Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion
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