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Boeing 787 Dreamliner

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

27/01/2025Rolls-Royce plc Civil Aerospace (link to Engines)
23/01/2025Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines and Rolls-Royce celebrate 20 years of collaboration (press release)
19/12/2024Boeing commits to expand in Charleston County (news)
17/12/2024Boeing South Carolina (link to Manufacturing Services)
13/12/2024Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH (link to Airframe Assemblies: Nose wheel steering remote electronic unit)
03/12/2024GKN Aerospace - Luton (link to Mechanical Components: Electro-thermal ice protection system)
05/11/2024GE Aerospace Engines (link to Engines)
05/11/2024Leonardo Aeronautics (Alenia) (link to Airframe Assemblies: Centre & aft fuselage)
05/11/2024Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation (link to Airframe Assemblies: Composite wing boxes & skin stringers)
05/11/2024Subaru Corp (Fuji Heavy Industries) (link to Airframe Assemblies: Centre wing box)
05/11/2024Subaru Corp (Fuji Heavy Industries) (link to Landing Assemblies: Integration of centre wing box with main landing gear wheel well)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Mechanical Systems (link to Avionic Components: Pilot control systems)
05/11/2024Kawasaki Aerospace (link to Airframe Assemblies: Forward fuselage, main landing gear wheel well)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Sensors & Integrated Systems (Kidde) (link to Safety & Security Systems: Engine & APU smoke/fire detection & extinguishing systems)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Avionics Division (link to Flight and Data Management: Core network & common data network; flight deck display system & crew alert system; Integrated Surveillance System; cockpit voice & flight data recording system)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Avionics Division (link to Communications (Airborne): Communications system including VHF-2100, SAT-2100, HFS 900D, digital flight deck audio system)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Avionics Division (link to Airframe Assemblies: Pilot control system, including control stand with throttle, speedbreak, & flap control modules, the pitch roll & yaw primary pilot controls, & interfaces to fly-by-wire system)
05/11/2024Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (link to Airframe Assemblies: Nose & forward fuselage (section 41); flight deck)
05/11/2024GE Aviation Systems - Digital (link to Flight and Data Management: Common Core System (CCS) - 2 dual-redundant (CCR) common computing resources with ARINC 653 and ARINC 664)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Aerostructures Division (link to Engine Components: Nacelles for both engine options)
05/11/2024Honeywell Aerospace, Cabin Management Systems & Services (link to Communications (Airborne): Crew information system)
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Aerostructures Division (link to Engine Components: Thrust reversers for both engine options)
05/11/2024Leonardo Aeronautics (Alenia) (link to Airframe Assemblies: Tailplane)
05/11/2024Kawasaki Aerospace (link to Airframe Assemblies: Wing fixed trailing edge)
05/11/2024Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (link to Engine Components)
05/11/2024Boeing Canada Winnipeg (link to Airframe Assemblies: Wing to body & vertical fin fairings)
05/11/2024Lufthansa Technik (link to Cabin Interiors: Interiors for 787 VIP (in collaboration with Andrew Winch Design))
05/11/2024Collins Aerospace, Sensors & Integrated Systems (link to Fuel Systems)
05/11/2024Thales AVS France (link to Indicators and Instruments: Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument; integrated flight display)
05/11/2024Pratt & Whitney Canada (link to Auxiliary Power: AeroPower APS5000 APU)
29/10/2024TIGHITCO awarded multi-year, multi-platform contract from Boeing Commercial (press release)
22/10/2024Sverica Capital Management announces investment in Electronic Source Company (press release)
16/10/2024Hexcel outlines strategy for high-rate aerospace composites (press release)

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.