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Safran Aircraft Engines

Contact Details

Address10, allée du Brévent, CE1420 Courcouronnes, F-91019 Evry Cedex, France
Telephone+33 1 69 87 09 00

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Larzac 04 Turbofan Engines; 2,970 lbf thrust, axial flow, twin-spool, bypass turbofan engine - HAL HJT-36 Sitara (SNECMA Larzac 04-H20 (prototype))
M88 Turbofan Engines; A high thrust-to-weight ratio, low fuel consumption, afterburning engine - ADA AMCA (M88 being considered), Dassault Rafale B (M88-4E), Dassault Rafale C (M88-4E), Dassault Rafale M (M88-4E)

Client aircraft programs

ADA Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) Analysis Turbofan Engines: (AMCA - M88 being considered)
Airbus A380 Analysis Compressors: High-pressure compressor for GP7200 engine
Boeing 777 Analysis Compressors: GE90-115B - low-pressure compressor (+ assembly), part of the high-pressure compressor (+ assembly), lubrication unit and oil tank, starter and starting valve, electrical harnesses, I/O boards for the FADEC (full authority digital engine control). GE9X - 3D-woven composite forward fan case & turbine rear frame
Dassault Rafale Analysis Turbofan Engines: (Rafale C - M88-4E; Rafale B - M88-4E; Rafale M - M88-4E)
HAL HJT-36 Sitara Analysis Turbofan Engines: (HJT-36 Sitara - SNECMA Larzac 04-H20 (prototype))

News and press releases


Association memberships GIFAS - France
Parent company Safran Group - France
Subsidiaries CFAN - U.S.A.
CFM International Inc. - U.S.A.
CFM International S.A. - France
Europrop International GmbH - Germany
Safran Aircraft Engines - China - China
Snecma Xinyi Airfoil Castings (Safran) - China

See an overview of the group of companies.

Related companies

Safran Aircraft Engines - Le Hallian - France Engine Nozzles
Safran Aircraft Engines Gennevillier - France Metal & Alloy Castings, Engineering Design Services, Titanium, Turbine Engine Blades, Metal & Alloy Forgings, Turbine Engine Rotors, Nickel


The compiled list of suppliers to this company is available only to paid subscribers.

Stock exchange listings

XLON - London Stock ExchangeSafran SA - 0IU8
XAMS - EuronextSafran - SAF
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeSafran - SEJ1
XWBO - Vienna Stock ExchangeSafran SA - SAF
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeSafran SA - SEJ1
XDUS - Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeSafran - 924781
XHAN - Hannover Stock ExchangeSafran - 924781
XHAM - Hamburg Stock ExchangeSafran - 924781
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeSafran - 924781
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeSafran - SEJU
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeSafran - SEJU
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeSafran SA - SEJ1