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Daher L'Hotellier

Contact Details

AddressZI Ouest, F-41400 Montrichard, France
Telephone+33 2 54 71 12 12

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Client aircraft programs

Airbus A380 Analysis Air Conditioning Equipment: Air distribution system for centre fuselage, including mixing chamber, distribution & recirculation circuits, cargo ventilation circuits; AGU & SGS channels


Association memberships GIFAS - France
Parent company Daher Group - France

See an overview of the group of companies.

Related companies

Daher - France Winglets, Thermal Insulation, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Acoustic Insulation, Engine Parts, Nose Cones, Aircraft Doors, Aircraft Structural Components, Fuselage Sections, Fairings, Aircraft Flooring, Engine Inlets, Airframer, Wings, Logistics Consultants, Manufacturing Consultants, Certification Services, Thermoplastics, Wing Spars
Daher Aerospace Ltd - U.K. Tooling, Supply Chain Management, Aircraft Structural Components, Aircraft Interiors
Daher USA (was Quest Aircraft Company) - U.S.A. Airframer, Paint Application
Shap'In TechCenter - France Research/Consulting Services, Engineering Design Services, Thermoplastics, Composite Structures