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Airbus A350 | Landing Assemblies | Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH

The Liebherr-Airbus A220 main landing gear.

Liebherr collaborates on future Airbus landing gear

Liebherr already supplies the A220 landing gears and the A350 nose landing gear. Now it looks set to continue as a major supplier to Airbus for future aircraft models.

16/01/2019Press Release:
Liebherr-Aerospace starts serial production of 3D printed components
14/12/2012Press Release:
Liebherr-Aerospace delivers the first Airbus A350 XWB-800/900 nose landing gear
14/11/2012Press Release:
Liebherr-Aerospace selected for A350-1000 nose landing gear
01/10/2007Press Release:
Liebherr-Aerospace wins contract for nose landing gear of new Airbus A350