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Liebherr-Aerospace delivers the first Airbus A350 XWB-800/900 nose landing gear
Friday, 14 December 2012

The on-schedule delivery of the first Airbus A350 XWB-800/900 nose landing gear to the final aircraft assembly line in Toulouse marked an important milestone for Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH, based in Lindenberg (Germany).

The quality of the landing gear and the delivery on a transport trolley which was purpose-built by Liebherr was commended by Airbus. Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH is responsible for the development, production and the customer support of the nose landing gear, including retraction and extension actuators, steering actuation and hydraulic valve control.

The nose landing gear is currently in a comprehensive approval and test phase and a significant milestone has already been reached: the drop tests were concluded at the Direction Générale de l'Armement Technique Aéronautique (DGA-TA) in Toulouse, France. These involved testing the shock absorber properties for landings across the entire range of application of the nose landing gear and verifying the airworthiness.

In addition to the nose landing gear, Liebherr-Aerospace

Lindenberg GmbH is also responsible for the Airbus A350 XWB-800/900 slat actuation, flap active differential gearbox, as well as for the load sensing drive strut and moving damper.

Contact details from our directory:
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH Plating Services, Electromechanical Actuators, Hydraulic Systems & Equipment, Pressure Control Valves, Mechanical Actuators, Aircraft Landing Gear, Helicopter Landing Gear, Auxiliary Power Units, Hydraulic Actuators, Servoactuators, Hydraulic Filters, Wing Spoilers, Wing Flaps, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Fly-by-Wire Systems, Pneumatic Actuators, Gearboxes, Coatings Services, Control Dampers, Gears & Assemblies, Hydraulic Power Supplies, Air Refuelling Systems, Brake System Components, Aircraft Wheels, Tyres, Steering Systems, Hydraulic Pumps, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Hydraulic System Valves, Onboard Computers, Relief Valves, Valves
Airbus S.A.S. Airframer
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Landing Assemblies