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Liebherr-Aerospace selected for A350-1000 nose landing gear
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Airbus has recently selected Liebherr-Aerospace to provide the nose landing gear for the A350-1000 aircraft.

Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH, Germany, center of excellence for flight control/actuation systems and landing gear systems within the Liebherr Group, will develop, manufacture and service the nose landing gear.

Liebherr's scope of supply for the A350-1000, which already includes the slat actuation system and flap components, is now extended to the nose landing gear.

The A350-1000 nose landing gear incorporates the experience gained by Liebherr in developing the nose landing gear for the A350-900 program.

Liebherr-Aerospace has chosen high-strength 300M steel for the nose gear. Moreover, cadmium-substitute coatings are also being newly introduced. For surface-protection Liebherr-Aerospace has chosen a high-strength alloy produced using the HVOF (high velocity oxygenated fuel thermal spray coating) process.

This expansion of Liebherr's scope of supply on the

A350-1000 further reinforces the strong relationship that has been built between Airbus and Liebherr for decades on all Airbus programs.

Contact details from our directory:
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH Plating Services, Electromechanical Actuators, Hydraulic Systems & Equipment, Pressure Control Valves, Mechanical Actuators, Aircraft Landing Gear, Helicopter Landing Gear, Auxiliary Power Units, Hydraulic Actuators, Servoactuators, Hydraulic Filters, Wing Spoilers, Wing Flaps, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Fly-by-Wire Systems, Pneumatic Actuators, Gearboxes, Coatings Services, Control Dampers, Gears & Assemblies, Hydraulic Power Supplies, Air Refuelling Systems, Brake System Components, Aircraft Wheels, Tyres, Steering Systems, Hydraulic Pumps, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Hydraulic System Valves, Onboard Computers, Relief Valves, Valves
Airbus S.A.S. Airframer
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Landing Assemblies