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Piper M350

The Cranfield crew make themselves at home.

Refurbished Cranfield hangar provides space for R&D

CAeS says a newly refurbished hangar will be a 'classroom of possibilities', where it will deliver the intricacies of zero emissions propulsion and also pioneer maintenance procedures for hydrogen-powered aircraft.

08/01/2018Press Release:
Piper M500 and M350 certified with Garmin G1000 NXi
26/10/2016Press Release:
Piper M350 certified by EASA
14/04/2015Press Release:
Piper Aircraft launches M350 product
29/10/2012Press Release:
Piper unveils Premier Elegance interiors at NBAA

Showing the most recent five of 11 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.