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Cobham to supply antennas and avionics for South Korea's utility helicopter
Monday, 20 December 2010

Cobham will provide antennas and avionics for the indigenous Korean Utility Helicopter (KUH), under a multi-million pound long term agreement with the manufacturer, Korean Aerospace Industries Ltd.

Cobham Antenna Systems, part of the Cobham Defence Systems Division, will supply a suite of communications and navigation antennas manufactured in the UK alongside a navigation transceiver manufactured in the US by sister Division Cobham Avionics and Surveillance.

Developed in conjunction with Eurocopter, the twin engined KUH "Surion" will be manufactured in Sacheon, South Korea. It will carry two pilots and up to 16 troops, with a maximum takeoff weight of 8700kg. South Korea plans to produce 245 over the next decade to replace aging UH-1H and MD 500 helicopters.

KAI's selection of Cobham follows a successful multi-year trials programme and further enhances a long standing relationship which has already seen the Company's equipment selected for KAI's KT-1 turboprop trainer and T-50 supersonic advanced jet trainer/fighter.

"We are delighted that KAI has again selected Cobham for a major new programme," said Cobham Antenna Systems Vice President Fred Cahill. "This agreement demonstrates Cobham's strong presence in international markets and our reputation as a low risk provider of the best equipment available."

Contact details from our directory:
Cobham Aerospace Connectivity (was Cobham Antenna Systems) Static Dischargers, Communication Antennas, Navigation Antennas
Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
KAI KUH-1 Surion Korean Utility Helicopter
Related directory sectors:
Navigation Aids (Airborne)
Communications (Airborne)