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Embraer Defense & Security partners with Aero Vodochody in the KC-390 program
Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Embraer Defense and Security announced the signature of a contract, today, with Aero Vodochody to supply aerostructures for the KC-390 program, at LAAD Defense and Security 2011 (, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Under the terms of the agreement, the Czech company will join the ongoing KC-390 military airlifter program by participating on its Joint Definition Phase (JDP) to supply the rear fuselage II section, crew and parachutist doors, emergency door and hatches, cargo ramp and fixed leading edge for the prototypes and the future serial production aircraft.

"This partnership is established at an important moment of the KC-390 program, and is a consequence of a very well coordinated effort of our companies and our Governments. We welcome Aero Vodochody as an airframe structure partner for the KC-390 program," said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President of Embraer Defense and Security.

The deal began taking final shape after the signature of the Declaration of Intent by the Czech and the Brazilian Ministries of Defense, as announced in September 2010. Today's agreement reinforces the commitment of the Czech Republic to buy two KC-390 aircraft in the future. The program is running on schedule. Production of the first prototype is expected to start in 2013, followed by the first flight in 2014.

Aero Vodochody ( is the largest aerospace manufacturer in the Czech Republic. Founded in 1919, it focuses on the development, production, sale and support of civilian and military aerospace programs. The company's quality management system is AS 9100 and ISO 9001 certified. Throughout the years, Aero Vodochody has cooperated with the leading aerospace manufacturers, among which is the production of subassemblies for the EMBRAER 170/190 family of commercial jets.

Contact details from our directory:
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
Aero Vodochody Aerospace a.s. Airframer
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