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Embraer Defense & Security chooses V2500-E5 engine for the KC-390 transport
Monday, 25 July 2011

Embraer Defense and Security made the announcement, today, that it has selected the V2500-E5 engine, manufactured by International Aero Engines AG (IAE), to equip the KC-390 military transport jet.

"The selection of IAE's V2500-E5 brings about the merger of a well-known and proven engine with a winning clean-sheet design military program. It is very important for us to finish the selection of our main suppliers and partners, in order to begin working with them in this new phase," said Luiz Carlos Aguiar, President, Embraer Defense and Security.

The first deliveries of the V2500-E5 engines for the KC-390 prototypes are scheduled for 2013, and the flight tests for 2014. The aircraft should go into service in 2015.

"We are very pleased to provide the V2500 power plants for this new multi-role military aircraft being developed and produced by Embraer," said Ian Aitken, President and CEO of IAE. "This military application for our V2500 engine substantially opens a market that we have not done business in before, providing our company with opportunities for significant further growth."

Contact details from our directory:
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
IAE - International Aero Engines Turbofan Engines
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