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Cobham wins $60m initial contract from Embraer
Friday, 16 September 2011

Cobham has been selected to develop and supply the Wing Aerial Refuelling Pod for the KC-390 tanker aircraft under development by Brazil's Embraer and has received an order with an initial contract value in excess of US$60 million. Air refuelling operations will be a key tactical role of the KC-390 following its introduction into service, scheduled to commence in 2015.

Selection by Embraer follows a comprehensive competitive process and reflects Cobham's unrivalled experience in the design, development and delivery of air refuelling systems. Cobham will supply Embraer with one of its state-of-the-art air refuelling pods, specially modified to fit the KC-390. The system architecture will be tailored to meet the aircraft's air-to-air refuelling capability requirements, and enable refuelling of a range of fixed and rotary-wing aircraft.

Embraer's launch customer for the KC-390 is the Brazilian Air Force and it expects to secure significant additional orders from export customers.

Following the selection announcement, Iain Gibson, vice president of Cobham Mission Equipment said: "Cobham Mission Equipment is delighted with its selection by Embraer and the Brazilian Air Force to provide the wing air refuelling pod solution for the KC-390 following a rigorous competitive tendering process. This is an important and significant programme with a new customer and provides a platform for Cobham to further grow its business in Brazil. It also serves to underline Cobham's position as the world leader in providing air to air refuelling systems. We are confident that the wing pod solution for the KC-390, the basis of which has been designed and qualified to the latest and most stringent military requirements, will provide an optimum solution for the KC-390."

Contact details from our directory:
Eaton Aerospace Group (MIssion Systems Divison) Testing Services, Stores Management Systems, Refueling Equipment, Air Refuelling Systems, Fuel Tanks & Systems
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
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