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Cirrus Aircraft offers Perspective Global Connect on all aircraft models in 2012
Wednesday, 25 January 2012

New for 2012, all models of Cirrus Aircraft can now be equipped with Perspective Global Connect, an avionics enhancement that contributes to an already feature-rich cockpit. Perspective Global Connect provides access to the on-demand Iridium® satellite network to obtain global communications and data. Perspective Global Connect is fully integrated with the Cirrus Perspective™ by Garmin® cockpit and may be used in combination with any aircraft options. Features include: worldwide weather, satellite phone and text messaging capabilities.

Perspective Global Connect utilizes the Garmin GSR 56 LRU (Line Replaceable Unit) and features worldwide weather data including Meteorological Aviation Reports (METARs) that provide current temperature, dew points, precipitation, wind speed and more; as well as Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFS) that show predicted weather for up to 30 hours in advance. Other features include RADAR, Satellite, Lightning, PIREPs, SIGMETs and Winds Aloft. High-resolution radar imagery will be immediately available for Western Europe, Canada, Australia and the U.S. that displays in full color on Garmin screens. More complete weather products are expected to be available throughout the world.

Integrated into the Cirrus Perspective audio system are phone capabilities in which phone calls can be made, while in-flight, enabling the pilot and/or passengers to speak and listen directly through headsets. Coupled with the all new GMA 350 audio panel, private phone calls can be available for the pilot, co-pilot or rear-seat passengers. In addition, text messaging allows the pilot and passengers to send and receive text messages through the Cirrus Perspective system and displayed on the large MFD display regardless of location. This feature enables the pilot and passengers to have constant communication with those on the ground.

"Never before have these communication technologies been available to the general aviation pilot," said Dale Klapmeier, Co-founder and CEO. "Now Cirrus customers around the world can get access to graphical weather like pilots have had in North America for the past several years. When it comes to safety, graphical weather information is as important as the parachute. And now you can also call or text the FBO, your spouse or a business colleague while in flight. These new cockpit capabilities continue to reinforce that Cirrus is the leader in bringing real new capability into the cockpit."

Contact details from our directory:
Cirrus Aircraft Airframer
Garmin International GPS, Transceivers, Radar Transponders, Position Indicators, Radio Communications Equipment, Instrument Landing Systems, Moving Maps, Flight Directors, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Flight Management Systems, Avionics Management Systems, Autopilots, Weather Mapping Radar, VOR (Omnirange) Receivers, Onboard Intercom Systems, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Radar/Radio Altimeters, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Magnetometers, Onboard Computers, Air Data Computers, Satellite Receivers, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Onboard Airport Navigation Systems, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Head-Up Displays, Airborne Communication Systems, Engine Indicator Instruments, Storm-Warning Radar, Autothrottle Systems, ADS-B systems
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