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Bombardier inaugurates world-class facility in Queretaro, Mexico
Thursday, 28 February 2008

Today, Bombardier Aerospace announced the official opening of its world-class manufacturing facility located at the Querétaro Aerospace Park in Mexico. This new facility complements Bombardier's existing manufacturing sites located in Canada, Northern Ireland and the United States. Manufacturing operations in this facility began in the second half of 2007. Currently, Bombardier Aerospace has approximately 900 full-time employees working at its facilities in Mexico where they manufacture electrical harnesses and structural aircraft components. These components include the Challenger 850 mid-fuselage, the Q400 aircraft flight control work package (rudder, elevator and horizontal stabilizer), and the Global family of aircraft aft fuselage.

By the end of 2008, Bombardier Aerospace expects to employ 1,200 fulltime staff. "Bombardier Aerospace and Mexico have a solid relationship based on a long-term commitment to develop the aerospace industry within Mexico and we are particularly proud to be the first manufacturer at Querétaro's new aerospace park," said Pierre Beaudoin, President and Chief Operating Officer, Bombardier Aerospace. "In parallel to the establishment of this world-class facility, we also plan to develop a local supplier base to further support our Mexican operations and other facilities, and we look forward to other companies joining us in Quetéraro. In this highly competitive industry, which is becoming increasingly global in its scope, we view Mexico as the springboard to the further development of the aerospace industry in Central and South America, and to our increased competitiveness in the international marketplace."

"We are extremely pleased with the work being accomplished by our Mexican employees. Their sense of professionalism and dedication, as well as their willingness to take on, and overcome, tough challenges, has contributed to the success of this venture. Their efforts are setting the standard that will ultimately allow Mexico to become a vital participant in the international aerospace industry. All participants have the right to be proud of their achievements," Mr. Beaudoin continued.

"We applaud the strong commitment shown by both the Federal and State of Querétaro governments to participate and support the three pillars upon which our industry stands: infrastructure, certification and training. I have every confidence that, together, we will build a strong and vital future for the Mexican aerospace industry and for Bombardier."

Bombardier also acknowledges the VESTA-GE alliance that combines the two companies' experience in the construction and the administration of industrial-type properties, as well as the financing of real estate. VESTA-GE will jointly undertake the investment, the development and the management of the Querétaro Aerospace Park. Querétaro, located north of Mexico City, offers quality industrial and educational infrastructures, a skilled population and dynamic economic development policies. Its modern airport will provide Bombardier Aerospace, its suppliers and other future members of the new Mexican aerospace cluster, the best potential for growth and synergies. In addition to Bombardier Aerospace having aircraft component facilities located in Mexico, Bombardier Transportation is also present through its facility in Ciudad Sahagún.

Contact details from our directory:
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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