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PPG selected by Sikorsky to supply S-97 RAIDER helicopter transparencies
Thursday, 21 June 2012

PPG Industries' aerospace transparencies group has been selected by Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. to supply transparencies for the S-97 RAIDER helicopter, a next-generation rotorcraft being built for evaluation by the U.S. military.

"We are excited to be part of the S-97 RAIDER helicopter team that is breaking new ground by tapping proven technologies to provide next-generation aircraft capabilities," said Connie Poulsen, PPG global director, military aerospace transparencies. "As a longtime supplier to Sikorsky, PPG is pleased to continue developing reliable transparency technologies, especially those that meet this helicopter's high-performance requirements."

PPG Aerospace is among more than 35 U.S. companies announced as suppliers by Sikorsky earlier this year. Sikorsky and its team members are self-funding the design and manufacture of two S-97 RAIDER prototype aircraft for first flight in 2014. The program is in the early fabrication stage.

PPG will develop and manufacture pilot and copilot coated windshields, as well as side cockpit, lower observation and fuselage windows for the RAIDER helicopter at its Sylmar, Calif., facility. The transparencies will be plastic for strength and light weight.

PPG has produced heated glass windshields for the BLACK HAWK helicopter and its variants since Sikorsky started the program in the 1970s, and also supplies transparencies for Sikorsky's S-92 helicopter, according to Poulsen.

A light tactical helicopter weighing 11,000 pounds, the single-engine S-97 RAIDER aircraft will feature Sikorsky's X2 rotorcraft design, which uses coaxial counter-rotating main rotors and a pusher propeller to provide improvements in maneuverability, hover efficiency, high/hot climate performance and speed. In September 2010, an X2 demonstrator aircraft achieved more than 250 knots flight speed, twice the average cruise speed of a conventional helicopter.

Contact details from our directory:
PPG Transparencies Glass, Windows, Windshields, Window Shades, Lenses, Transparent Canopies
Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company Airframer
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Sikorsky S-97 Raider
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