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Embraer Defense and Security announces Aerotron and LH Colus as KC-390 suppliers
Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Embraer Defense and Security announced today the selection of two Brazilian companies as suppliers to the KC-390 military transport jet program. Aerotron, headquartered in Itajubá, Minas Gerais, will provide ballistics protection and LH Colus, from São José dos Campos, São Paulo, seats and stretchers.

"We are quite pleased to announce another two Brazilian companies as suppliers of the KC-390 program", said Eduardo Bonini Santos Pinto, Vice President of Operations & COO, Embraer Defense and Security. "Both companies bring to the program excellent solutions and we are certain that they will deliver technologically advanced products of the highest quality".

"Aerotron is proud of its participation in the KC-390 program and also of the trust deposited by the Brazilian Air Force and by Embraer", said Carlos O. Camara Reis, Aerotron's General Director, which will develop the aircraft's entire ballistics protection following Embraer requirements, whose initial components for the prototype will be delivered in 2013. "We are pleased to contribute to the commercial success of the KC-390".

LH Colus will develop and deliver the first set of seats and stretchers for the KC-390 test flights, scheduled to begin in 2014. According to Luiz Henrique Colus, CEO of LH Colus, "our staff is very proud of its participation in the KC-390 program, developing the seats for the troops and the stretchers. This is evidence that we can manufacture in Brazil items that meet the stringent requirements of FAB related to the safety and comfort of the crew".

The KC-390 is the largest plane ever built by the Brazilian aeronautics industry, and will establish a new standard for mid-size military transport aircraft in terms of performance, payload capacity and operational costs, with advanced mission and flight systems.

Contact details from our directory:
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. Airframer
Aerotron Industria e Comercio Ltda. Weapons Countermeasures
LHColus Technology Ltda. Passenger Seating, Medical Equipment, Seat Covers, Aeromedical Interiors, Aircraft Interiors, Cargo Containers
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