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Panasonic Avionics signs contract with Boeing for 747-8 Intercontinental aircraft Cabin Services System
Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Panasonic Avionics Corporation (Panasonic) today announced the award by Boeing Commercial Airplanes to provide Cabin Services System (CSS) on every Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental airplane.

In addition to this new contract, Panasonic also supplies CSS to Boeing for the 787 Dreamliner aircraft.

Panasonic is the world's leading supplier of in-flight entertainment (IFE) and communication systems. The company's best-in-class solutions, supported by professional maintenance services, fully integrates with the cabin enabling airlines to deliver the ultimate travel experiences with a rich variety of entertainment choices, resulting in improved quality communication systems and solutions, reduced time-to-market and lower overall costs.

As an industry leader and technology visionary, Panasonic is actively involved in coexisting with the global environment and shaping the future of airline travel by participating in industry organizations like WAEA, UK Flight Safety Committee, ARINC, IEC TC107, and others.

Contact details from our directory:
Panasonic Avionics Corporation Inflight Entertainment, Cabin Management Systems, Airborne Communication Systems
Boeing Commercial Airplanes Airframer
Related directory sectors:
Cabin Interiors